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7 Common Lies Gay Guys Tell on Dating Apps

by | June 1, 2024 | Time 3 mins

Navigating the wild world of dating apps can be a mix of exhilarating and exhausting. You’re on the hunt for Mr. Right, or maybe Mr. Right Now, and honesty should be the foundation. But let’s face it—sometimes the truth gets twisted. From age to HIV status, here are some of the most common fibs you’ll encounter.

It’s a bit of a bummer when you invest time in getting to know someone online, only to discover that they’ve been less than truthful. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Knowing these common lies can help you stay one step ahead in the game.

Ready to dive into the seven most frequent fibs and how to spot them? Stick around to learn the signs and keep your dating life drama-free.

Two guys hiking up a rocky mountain.

1. Age

Let’s kick things off with age. If you’ve been on dating apps, chances are you’ve encountered this one. A 2018 survey by Gay Star News found that one in four gay and bi men have lied about their age on dating apps. It’s all about fear of rejection due to ageism within the LGBTI+ community.

Younger guys might add a few years to seem more mature, while older men might shave off some to fit into a more desirable age bracket. Next time, if you suspect your match is fibbing about their age, a little casual conversation about life experiences can reveal the truth.

2. Relationship Status

Ever hear, “Oh, I’m single,” or “It’s complicated”? These phrases often mask the truth. Many guys stretch the truth about their relationship status to appear available. They might be in a relationship, but looking for something on the side.

If you sense something’s off, don’t hesitate to ask directly. A straightforward question can often cut through the ambiguity.

3. Appearance/Fake Pictures

Catfishing is alive and well. Fake profile pics and identities are a common tactic to appear more attractive. If his photos are all headshots or from the same angle, tread carefully.

Meeting someone who looks nothing like their photos is a massive letdown. To avoid this, suggest a video call before meeting in person. It’s a simple way to ensure you’re chatting with the person in the pictures.

4. Location

Dating apps often use your location to find nearby matches, but many guys lie about where they live. They might want to seem closer or are looking to broaden their dating pool beyond their local area.

If you’re unsure about someone’s location, ask them to drop a pin or quiz them about local landmarks. It’s a quick way to verify their claim.

5. Job/Career

Career embellishment is another common lie. Some guys might exaggerate their job titles or salaries to impress potential matches. Money can be a sensitive topic, and many feel the need to present a more successful image.

To avoid being misled, engage in deeper conversations about their work. Specific details about their day-to-day job can help you gauge the truth.

6. Availability

Plans to meet up can often lead to last-minute cancellations with excuses like falling ill or unexpected work commitments. Sometimes, it’s just an avoidance tactic to dodge real-life interactions.

If someone keeps flaking, it might be a sign they’re not serious. Consistent excuses can be a red flag that they’re not as available as they claim to be.

7. HIV/AIDS Status

This is a sensitive topic, but it’s crucial for safe dating. Some avoid disclosing their HIV status due to fear of stigmatization. A survey by Grabhim.net revealed that 57% of HIV-negative men are unlikely to engage with someone who discloses they’re HIV-positive.

While many will disclose their status before sex, a significant number only do so if specifically asked. Open communication about HIV status is vital for both partners’ health and safety.

Just Be Honest

Honesty is the best policy, especially in the dating world. These common lies can complicate your search for a genuine connection, but being aware of them helps you navigate with confidence. Remember, a little skepticism and a few direct questions can go a long way in uncovering the truth.

Share Your Experiences

What lies have you encountered on dating apps? Share your stories, tips, or advice in the comments below. Your insights can help others steer clear of deception and find authentic connections.

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1 Comment

  1. William Moore

    I love this and such great information thus avoiding disappointment, time wasting nonsense, BULLSHIT, drama, fakes, flakes, liars and losers. That said always be skeptical of any and all interactions until you actuly meet the guy in person to size him up. Technology can make a toad look like a prince. How many of us have had blind dates that went south due to the other guy lying about his: age, appearance, weight, interests, job,. relationship status, HIV status, you get the picture? There’s nothing more frustrating having been lied to or worse, getting stood up and if stood up, dump the clown. There’s no excuse these days for this rude disrespectful behavior with everyone having a mobile phone that often seems to be an extention of their hand (at least at my gym , except the gang shower). Sometimes things come up like an emergency but there’s always a phone call to let your date know you can’t make it. If this happens a second time, dump him, no more nonsense. Most of us don’t have time to play childish games, we’re adults and taking this seriously. And please, please for your safety, don’t divulge any personal information prior to meeting in person and even then use caution and this includes lending or giving them money. If they ask for money, dump them, they’re just hustlers and not worth your time. Be wise going forward


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Brian Webb

Brian Webb


Brian Webb is the founder and editor-in-chief of HomoCulture, a celebrated content creator, and winner of the prestigious Mr. Gay Canada – People’s Choice award. An avid traveler, Brian attends Pride events, festivals, street fairs, and LGBTQ friendly destinations through the HomoCulture Tour. He has developed a passion for discovering and sharing authentic lived experiences, educating about the LGBTQ community, and using both his photography and storytelling to produce inspiring content. Originally from the beautiful Okanagan Valley in the southern interior of British Columbia, Brian now lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. His personal interests include travel, photography, physical fitness, mixology, drag shows.

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