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Is There a Conservative Case for LGBTQIA+ Workplace Rights in 2025?

by | January 7, 2025 | Time 4 mins

“They’re coming for your rights!” 

Are they?

They may be – but we’d argue that they are in for a fight, and a simple look at Japan’s Osaka Prefecture, we see that global opinions of us are changing for the better – cultural paradox wrapped in a sushi roll, anyone?

Under conservative governor Hirofumi Yoshimura,  LGBTQIA+ workplace protections expanded. 

In 2023, Osaka became the first major Japanese prefecture to recognize same-sex partnerships while maintaining strict immigration policies and traditional business practices.

Why does this relate to the USA and Trump’s second term? 

We’re gonna share that in a moment, but first if you are enjoying our political stories, let us know.

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Now, let us share how Osaka’s prefecture could indicate that we are in a better place than most media would have you believe. 

Oh, You Still Think Everyone Despises The Gay Community?

Well, in 2022, Poland’s conservative Law and Justice party shocked critics by maintaining workplace discrimination protections despite their traditional stance on marriage. 


Because Polish companies like CD Projekt and PKO Bank Polski proved that inclusive workplaces boosted global competitiveness without compromising traditional values.

We at HomoCulture would love to be included simply because we exist, but unfortunately, that’s not how the world works. 

So, any law protecting us in any area of the globe is a massive win. 

Next, remember Trump’s first term? 

You know, the one that had people screaming all Americans were living under Hitler? (A bit dramatic, don’t you think – let’s save the hyperbole for the next blockbuster…) 

That was a shock – especially considering Hitler sent LGBTQIA+ people to Nazi-run concentration camps. 

But in Trump’s first term, while Twitter erupted over bathroom bills, the USA’s 45th president quietly maintained Executive Order 13672, which protects federal contractors from sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination. 

During that tim,e Richard Grenell served as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany and was also appointed as the acting Director of National Intelligence. 

Richard Grennel is openly gay and was involved in advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights internationally.

And in addition to Trump’s administration maintaining Executive Order 13672, Grenell negotiated with conservative UAE leaders to establish workplace protections for LGBTQIA+ expatriates in Dubai’s financial sector. 

The Numbers Nobody’s Talking About

Don’t you love facts?

And isn’t the cuckoo bird fascinating? (It’s strikingly similar to the United States political landscape.)

Now, let’s look at more numbers that may surprise you – especially if you are living in an echo chamber on social media or in your social circles.  

In Texas, despite conservative governance, companies maintaining LGBTQIA+ protections saw lower employee turnover (Texas Workforce Commission, 2022).

And in conservative Utah’s “Fairness for All” approach, which protected religious freedom while guaranteeing workplace rights, Salt Lake City’s tech sector grew 12% faster than progressive Portland’s.

Isn’t it amazing how we can not like the people around us or agree with their lifestyles yet keep that under wraps in the workplace to achieve a common goal?

And no, we aren’t fans of Margaret Thatcher, mainly because she had an awful palate – just check out Thatcher’s disgusting favorite meal… 

Nonetheless, she’s a conservative icon… You’d have expected her to repeal workplace rights, the thatcher never repealed workplace protections for LGBTQ people. 


Her focus on merit-based advancement meant protecting talented workers regardless of identity. 

British conservatives learned that lesson – today, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority requires diversity reporting while maintaining London’s status as a global financial hub.

She simply passed clause (section) 28 for which the thatcher administration is generally remembered for. 

But – hey, she didn’t touch our protections in the workplace. 

Additionally, Viktor Orbán’s political party in Hungary, despite its nationalist rhetoric, maintains comprehensive workplace protections in its multinational corporations. 

Magyar Telekom, under conservative oversight, implemented Europe’s most detailed transition coverage while maintaining traditional management structures.

Still with us?

The links we’ve curated within this article are carefully selected – why not give them a quick read? 

Why This Matters Now

As America faces a change in administration, the above global examples prove conservative values and workplace protections aren’t mutually exclusive – don’t they?

They obviously show how focusing on merit, competition, and economic growth can unite Americans across political divides.

They distinctly highlight political choice isn’t between tradition and protection but between learning from successful conservative models worldwide or remaining stuck in unproductive culture wars. 

If Singapore’s conservatives can protect LGBTQIA+ workplace rights while maintaining traditional values, what’s stopping America?

Should we continue to fight?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Nobody, no crime?

Or are we simply trusting our souls to a backwood Southern lawyer?

We genuinely hope you’ve taken the time to read through the resources in this article.

Is there anything you’d have added or taken away?

Can you recognize a cuckoo bird when you see it? 

And more importantly, can we recognize the need for unity?

Still wanting to move to Canada during Turmp’s presidency?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Sean Kivi

Sean Kivi


Sean Kivi holds a master's degree from the University of Nottingham in translation studies from Spanish to English. He specializes in writing about gay culture and its influence on discourse. Sean speaks Spanish fluently and focuses on translating gay-themed literature to English and analyzing the discourse to understand how our culture is universal yet distinct in countries worldwide. He has translated for authors in Mexico and completed case studies related to machismo and its influences on gay culture in Latin America.

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