Happy Pride! This is our time to shine and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community by going out and having a blast. Indeed, this is the time of year when we all get to express our pride in being human beings and getting to be out true, authentic selves. However you identify, Pride events are great places to meet people who share your values and celebrate what makes us all so great.
But as much fun as it is to go out and celebrate with strangers, it’s important to keep in mind that Pride events are still public spaces and therefore subject to the same rules that apply everywhere else: no drinking in public, no harassing other attendees, etc.
Therefore, if you want to have fun without getting into trouble or making anyone else feel uncomfortable, here are some tips to keep in mind so we can all have a safe and fun time.
1. Bring Cash
This is a big one especially if you’re heading to a parade, festival, or other outdoor event. The reason for this is that some of these events require you to pay entrance fees and/or purchase tickets for food and drinks. The problem is that it’s not always clear how much money you’ll have left after paying for entry, so having cash on hand ensures that you can still buy those delicious snacks afterward.
2. Wear Sunscreen
If you’re going to be outside during the day — and especially if you’re going to be dancing — you’ll want to be sure your skin is protected from the sun. Sunburns aren’t just painful; they can also cause long-term damage if they’re severe enough. So pay attention to how much time you spend standing in direct sunlight and reapply sunscreen as needed.
3. Stay Hydrated
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important! Parades and festivals are typically hot places where people are moving around a lot and sweating profusely. Even if it feels too warm for a drink right now, remember that dehydration is real — and it can sneak up on you quickly if you don’t keep yourself hydrated while having fun outdoors. Water is always good but electrolyte drinks like coconut water or sports drinks will also help keep you energized throughout the day.
4. Take Breaks in the Shade
The sun can be brutal on hot days like this one, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and using sunscreen if you’re going out into direct sunlight. Be sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours or so. If you have any allergies or sensitivities, bring your own with you just in case there’s nothing else available at the event itself.
5. Drink Responsibly!
You might be tempted to go hog wild with your alcohol consumption at Pride events this year but remember you’re in public and everyone is watching you. It’s never a good look when someone gets too drunk at Pride — and it’s even worse when they throw up on themselves or puke on other people. C’mon now, don’t be that person! Just because you’re at a Pride event doesn’t mean you should get sloppy drunk and act like an idiot. Get a drink or two if you want, but don’t get wasted.
6. Know Your Limits
While everyone wants to have fun and celebrate Pride with their friends and family members, it’s also important to know when you’ve had enough to drink or if something feels wrong during the festivities, like dizziness or stomach pain. If something does feel off, don’t hesitate to ask someone for help — they’ll appreciate the gesture!
7. Respect Others
This one should go without saying, but Pride is a celebration of everyone’s right to love who they want. If someone isn’t showing respect for their fellow attendees or making others feel uncomfortable in any way, let them know that their behavior isn’t acceptable. If they refuse to listen or change their ways, report them immediately so staff can take appropriate action.
8. Pack an Emergency Kit
If something happens to you or someone else, you’ll be able to take care of it. It should include bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic wipes, and ointments, rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, petroleum jelly, an insulated blanket, and an extra phone charger.
9. Consider Bringing Along a Small Drawstring Backpack
That way, when you go through security at a public event like this, it will be easy for them to check your bag without making you take off anything like a coat or jacket first. And it’s probably best not to bring anything too big. Surely, you don’t want people standing around behind you waiting while they go through everything inside your backpack.
10. Take a Break
If you’re planning on attending any of the festivities, make sure you get enough sleep the night before. You might also want to consider taking a nap beforehand — we know it’s tempting to stay up all night partying but trust us when we say that’s not going to be worth it if you end up passing out on the sidewalk at 6am. We also recommend eating a good meal before going out and bringing snacks with you in case you get hungry along the way.
… and finally
Remember that even if you’re celebrating Pride with your family or friends right now, that doesn’t mean it has to stop there! Make sure you’re open about who you are with others who are close to you so they can support you in all your endeavors—no matter what those might be.