Did you click here because you love Miley Cyrus? We do too! She’s a badass rockstar who has our best interest at heart. But then again, why wouldn’t she?
“I’m very open about it — I’m pansexual. But I’m not in a relationship,” Cyrus said.
Can you imagine how she must have felt knowing we live in a world where pansexual people are often looked down upon? Let’s be serious, pansexual people get a bad rap. The gay community is supposed to be inclusive, yet many still gatekeep and treat pansexual people as unworthy of our group.
If you’re unsure of what pansexuality is or why it is important for our community – it doesn’t have anything to do with pans.
People who identify as pansexual are part of our proud rainbow family, and Pansexual Visibility Day is here to create awareness.
Instead of telling you exactly what pansexuality is, first we thought it would be more fun if you could figure it out yourself before we explain the importance of the day.
5 questions to ask yourself before identifying as pansexual
Like any sexual orientation, only you can decide if you’re pansexual. Nobody can give you that title because it depends on you alone.
Here are some questions that can help you better decide.
- Have you developed an attraction to someone without knowing their gender?
- Are you historically attracted to men or women, or is that irrelevant?
- When thinking about your ideal mate, how important is gender?
- How does identifying as pansexual make you feel? Do you have any concerns with the word?
- How does identifying as pansexual feel when you compare it to bisexual?
Many people may feel strange saying they’re pansexual, but it doesn’t need to be that way. Have you guessed what it means to identify as pansexual? All the above questions show that to be pansexual you only need to have love in your heart and not care about what’s between someone’s legs.
There’s a reason Pansexual Visibility Day exists
The word ‘pan’ comes from Greek and means all. Homosexuals will be attracted exclusively to men, whereas lesbians will be attracted to women. Pansexual people don’t experience attraction in this fashion. Instead, they are going to be attracted to someone for what is inside without regard to their gender.
Some people may say, “isn’t that the same thing as bisexuality?” However, it really isn’t because bisexuals will still make a distinction on the gender of the person they are with. Pansexual peoplewill overlook this altogether.
Pansexual Visibility Day is on May 24th each year and it aims to celebrate and recognize the pansexual community. It’s important to let people who identify as pansexual know that we support them. Imagine being a young kid and not knowing the word needed to describe yourself. It can be confusing but if we spread awareness of pansexuality younger generations will not need to struggle with finding themselves and understanding who they are.
Take the 24th of May to let someone pansexual you know that you care about them, and they are valued. It can make a world of difference in a world where it seems that people only care about you by how much money they can make from you.
There are loads of events you can find locally by searching Pansexual Visibility Day events on Google. Check them out and see how you can support the LGBTQ+ community.
How did you answer the questions above? Are you pansexual? We would love to hear your experiences so we can tailor content for you! Let us know your thoughts about Pansexual Visibility Day in the comments and if you loved the article, don’t forget to sign up for our eNewsletter.